
Iqbal Hussain

| Pakistan

Iqbal Hussain

Iqbal Hussain -
Artist highlights

Iqbal Hussain’s work offers an insight into a way of life that is an ancient tradition, and portrays it with stark reality. Hussain graduated from the National College of Arts in 1974, and remained at NCA to teach. His first solo exhibition was held at the Lahore Arts Council in 1981, and he continued to exhibit his work and earn prizes in national exhibitions. In the genre of landscape painting the artist encompasses the beauty of Lahore’s environs and brings to the work a personal viewpoint. Hussain perceives the life around him as a changing narrative and portrays it often in its stark reality.
Now the patron of the popular, family run restaurant `Cooco’s Den’ Lahore, which overlooks the Badshahi Mosque and its surrounds, there Iqbal Hussain may often be found painting the changing seasons of the historic landmark.

Group Exhibitions:
1983 Asian Biennial Dacca, Bangladesh.
1986 Triennale international Exhibition, Delhi, India.
1986 International Exhibition in Seoul, London, Paris, and Brussels.
1991 Triennale, Delhi, India.
1992 ‘Pursuit of the Real ‘Washington. USA.
1992 First South Asian Exhibition, Trivindrum, India.
1994 SAARC Festival held in Delhi and Trivindrum, India.

1981 Best Painter of the year Adabi Sahafat, Pakistan.
1982 S.S Hyder Award in All Pakistan Painting competition, Peshawar (First Prizes).
1983 S.S Hyder Award in All Pakistan Painting competition, Peshawar (First Prizes).
1984 First Prizes in Realistic Painting Competition, Peshawar, Pakistan.
1985 Scholarship awards by the French government to participate in French Laureate.
1985 S.S Hyder Award in All Pakistan Painting competition, Peshawar (First Prizes).

UNESCO Prizes:
1995 Exhibition in Paris among 34 artists short-listed from 321 entries all over in the world.

Auction at Sotheby’s London:
1998 in June an Iqbal Hussain painting was auctioned at Sotheby’s, London.

All artworks by Iqbal Hussain

Figurative-Iqbal Hussain

This is an inspired post category

Landscape-Iqbal Hussain

In the studio