
Bashir Mirza

Painter | Pakistan

Bashir Mirza

Bashir Mirza - Painter
Artist highlights
  • Bashir Mirza (1941-2000) Born in Amritsar , British India in 1941.

Bashir Mirza (1941-2000) Born in Amritsar , British India in 1941.

Bashir Mirza paintings:

The First Pakistani artist to open an art gallery in karachi. Bashir mirza is no less than an icon in Pakistani art history.

Before joining NCA (formerly Mayo School of Arts) His parents demanded that he start earning some money and knowing of his interest in drawing, suggested he become apprenticed to a signboard painter.

The first painting Bashir Mirza produced at the NCA, Shakir Ali preserved in his own collection and Bashir took great pride in his fact, mentioning it often. The "Lonely Girl" painting series was shown and gifted to the Seoul Olympic Art Museum when he was invited by the Seoul Olympic Committee.

He is remembered by his contemporaries as being particular about his clothes, always neat and totally focused on his work.


Bashir graduated in 1962 from the department of design with distinction, Bashir set off for Karachi to seek fame and fortune.He opened up an art gallery (the first ever in Karachi) at Kutchery Road in 1965 It became a central meeting place for artists and many lively evenings took place discussing art.

In 1994, Mirza departed for Australia as Pakistan's cultural attaché. But he soon got tired of the diplomatic life and returned to Pakistan in 1996. By then he was also sick.On his return, he opened up an art gallery and an advertising agency in Karachi. He returned in 1996, and began his last poignant series `Save the Margallas.’

Prominent Exhibitions:

1989 "Dawn of Democracy"

1971 "Lonely Girl Series"

1963 Solo Exhibition, Karachi, at Nigerian ambassy

Bashir Mirza Painting Size:

Bashir Mirza has painted paintings from small to large you can find his master paintings at Clifton Art Gallery in 22 x 28, 36 x 48 and 36 x 36 in. size.

Government Recognitions

1994 received Pride of Performance by the President of Pakistan.

All artworks by Bashir Mirza

Landscape-Bashir Mirza

In the studio